It is impossible not to draw
comparisons and similarities between the ‘Titan’, a submersible tourist ship
for the super-rich to visit the Titanic wreck, and the capsized unbranded boat
which was carrying more than 600 migrants and refugees on a hugely risky
journey for a chance at a better life for them and their families – both lost
at sea, but with vastly different resources, exposure and emotions committed to
their assistance and rescue.
The difference comes from answering
the question; how do we derive worth of a person? Because how you answer
will influence your actions to immigrants, migrants and refugees.
The constant barrage of media hype
and government spin has made it heresy to even question the flawed nature of an
economic system which puts bankers ahead of food banks, benefit cuts ahead of
pursuing tax evading global conglomerates and millionaires, and allows
multi-million-pound homes owned by foreigners to be left empty while foreign
immigrants of a lower net-worth sleep rough on the streets.
This is due to these categories of
people being deemed as having poor or negligible economic value, in the
West, your worth is derived from your perceived economic value which in
turn is your contribution to society.
Why do you think it was reported that
the UK government had the audacious plan to delay their reaction to the covid
pandemic so it can kill off more elderly people, it was because that section of
society is a net-negative economically speaking to society, they are a burden
for the state and their children whose working lives they affect. All because
their value is sought from their economic value only, which is the idea that
western societies push.
The individual is more important than
the collective, and amongst those individuals, the most precious are those who
possess the most wealth, that is why we saw tens and hundreds of millions
devoted to the search and rescue of a handful of millionaires and billionaires
as opposed to the forced capsizing of more than 600 men woman and children.
The Prophet (saw) showed us the best
example of how to view the worth of a person, of how we must view immigrants,
he and Islam didn’t see them as a burden, but a path to a harmonious and better
It was demonstrated with the Ansar
and Muhajireen, the best aid was that of the Ansar (helpers) towards
the Muhajireen (emigrants) who had left Mecca to come for a better
life in the first Islamic state.
This was the case because their
thinking was not based on economic benefit or the need for labour but due to
the command of Allah (swt), and the rewards that would obey and the
consequences for those who would disobey.
Islamic history is full of situations
in which Muslims and non-Muslims moved within the borders of
the Khilafah and fully integrated into society.
All of these examples show that true worth which resonates with human nature can only be obtained by viewing the issue not through the Capitalistic lens of benefit but the Islamic lens of morality and obligation to the creator, which woefully is shown in more and more examples and time goes on.
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