
The Role of Ulema and Khateebs

In a famous hadith, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The scholars are the inheritors of the prophets. Verily, the prophets did not leave behind a Dinar or a Dirham, but rather they left behind knowledge. So, whoever takes from it, has taken a large share.” [Abu Dawood]

Palestine holds a significant place in the hearts of Muslims globally as a land that has been visited by numerous prophets, including Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Regardless of Islamic differences, Muslims universally recognize the importance of Palestine and the historical events that transpired in this blessed land. One such event is the night journey of the Prophet, a momentous occasion that Muslims unanimously recognize. As Muslims, it is our shared obligation to continuously highlight and speak about the lands of the prophets, particularly Palestine, as an expression of our devotion and iman and history. 

Palestine, with its deeply rooted historical and Islamic significance, demands the attention of ulema and Khateebs across the globe. It is crucial that these individuals speak unreservedly about the liberation of Palestine and actively encourage Muslim armies to intervene and liberate this blessed land. It is the obligation of imams to fearlessly advocate for the rightful solution, which, in the case of Palestine, requires the military intervention of Muslim armies. The ulema, as the heirs of the prophets, should assume their rightful role on the pulpits, speaking out for justice and holding rulers accountable for their inaction. 

Ulema and Khateebs play a pivotal role in shaping the narrative surrounding Palestine, the problem and the solution and providing guidance to the Muslim community. They possess authority and influence, by virtue of their extensive knowledge and position within the community. As they ascend the pulpits, it is imperative that they courageously address the issue of Palestine and the need for its liberation. Every Jumma the imams across Britain have the ear of thousands of Muslims. They should not behave like the government scholar of the Muslim world, who have the pleasure of the dunya but a very bleak akhirah. 

It is not the place of the Ulema or the mosque committees to invite politicians to the masjid as a “listening to grievance exercise” The politicians both Muslim and non-Muslims have made their position very clear when it comes to Palestine, Genocide and alliance with the Zionist entity. The action of calling them to the Masjid is a display of weakness and an apologetic approach to the situation in Palestine. The politicians make no apology for their stance on Palestine and the genocide carried out by the Zionists. 

Aisha reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever seeks the pleasure of Allah by the displeasure of people, Allah will suffice him against the people. Whoever seeks the pleasure of people by the displeasure of Allah, Allah will leave him to the patronage of the people.” [Sunan al-Tirmidhī] 


Encourage all ulema and Khateebs to speak unreservedly about the liberation of Palestine, and from their pulpits, they must implore the Muslim armies neighbouring Gaza to intervene and liberate the blessed land.

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